für Birkenfeld und Umgebung


Maiwiese 24
55765 Birkenfeld Zum Kartenausschnitt Routenplaner
Telefon: 06782 98 10 73
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Gesamtnote aus 2 Bewertungen aus dieser Quelle:
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golocal (2)

Meine Bewertung für Deichmann-Schuhe

1. Sterne vergeben
2. Erfahrung teilen
1500 Zeichen übrig

Neueste Bewertungen

Unzumutbar? 25.11.2020Shoelover

via golocal Die hier abgebildeten Bewertungen wurden von den Locations über golocal eingeholt.

„I went to this location with my daughter and grandchild (2yr old). As my daughter was paying my grandchild was going towards the COVID sign that reads 2 meters apart. I was right behind her to make sure she is not disrupting anything in the store. But, this cashier ( she called herself Ludes)said to my grandchild leave it alone. So I turned to ask her what she said but, she refused to repeat her word. I asked my daughter what did she say and she told me Ludes said "lãsst du dass stehen?" I now when to her to tell her to let her no that I was controlling her already that she doesn't need to say that statement because that was rude. When we came inside the store,I already knew she was rude because there was no greetings from her to us, she was acting funny at the register, didn't play with the kid.I thought in my head other Deichmann that I have been too really never acted like that.I thought when I approached her she will apologies but, instead she was rude even the more. I asked for her Boss number she gave 065034899891. I checked online Birkenfeld number is 06782981073. This is really a shame on her.I told her if nobody comes here she would not have no job. The way she said the whole sentence was the problem. I wish there is zero star I would have give it. This location should not worry about me there ever again.I never get anything out Birkenfeld Deichmann anyways bye-bye. ...” mehr

Unzumutbar? 25.10.2013ratzifatzi

via golocal Die hier abgebildeten Bewertungen wurden von den Locations über golocal eingeholt.

„Ein eher kleiner Deichmann-Laden, mit einem kleinen Sortiment. Auf die Beratung muss man allerdings etwas warten. Auch bei suchenden Blicken in der Kinderabteilung kam niemand um zu helfen. Der Service könnte besser werden. ...” mehr

1 Bewertungen stammen u. a. von Drittanbietern

Weitere Schreibweisen der Rufnummer

06782 981073, +49 6782 981073, 06782981073, +496782981073

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Wie lautet die Adresse von Deichmann-Schuhe?

Die Adresse von Deichmann-Schuhe lautet: Maiwiese 24, 55765 Birkenfeld

Was denken Internetnutzer über Deichmann-Schuhe?

Deichmann-Schuhe hat 2 Bewertungen mit einer Gesamtbewertung von 1.5/5.0
Der Eintrag kann vom Verlag und Dritten recherchierte Inhalte bzw. Services enthalten
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